God love you, but a podcast consists of one or more audio files (video also possible, but now never used) published *by RSS*. Nothing else is a “podcast,” least of all YouTube videos rebranded as Substack videos. You’d like us to sit fixedly at our computers watching to avatars talk to each other at 100% speed?
Can someone explain why regular Canadians don't want to join the U.S.? The quality of life of Canadians would improve if they joined. Who wants to be COVID tax slaves in a brain-drained country?
Why would farmers vote PC if they want to expropriate their land?
Arguably, Canada has always been an extractive project. But In recent decades, your average Canadian has taken on a reckless greed to the point of strangling the hope and vitality out of the generations after them. The rot is settled deep. Vampirism normalized.
As time goes on, I am less and less confident that the bleeding can be staunched through electoral means.
But to your question, anything that would in the short term compromise housing prices and the TSX will not receive popular approval.
Canadian identity is largely defined by opposition the U.S. There are some problems with this, but it has certainly helped us resist pressure from the south. As a result, many Canadian's perceive America as backwards and support the opposite of whatever America does.
There used to be more to Canadian identity... More than paying the CRA... More than the strip malls.... So your question does have merit. Why should we defend a weak nation with no identity? Why should I make sacrifices for the whole, when the system exists only to be parasitized and extracted from... When the spoils of the country are carved up and redistributed to rival networks of rapists, degenerates, and special interest groups.
I prefer the American constitution and think that economically, we would be better off as Americans. But if we stopped handicapping ourselves, we could become a powerful nation in our own right. If we carve away the rot and put aside the gross mismanagement, we could be a great nation.
Many of us remember Canada as it once was. To get it back will require radical action.
Looking forward to the next episode. There is good feedback in previous comments that I would echo, and add, that further discussion of the Laur-elites would be good, especially if they can be discussed with more references to specific people tied to examples of who benefits most directly from the patronage of the Laur-elites.
I wonder if it would be good to pick one concept from elite theory, briefly introduce it & where it originates, and then illustrate it with examples from Federal and Provincial politics (using a variety of provinces to furnish examples)? Two birds etc.....
Nice work guys; interesting takes… 1 note of caution… Black Horse, you have to let other people finish there points (in full) and not talking over &or constantly interrupting people you are in conversation with! Tame your enthusiasm will make the presentation of the pod more enjoyable & informative… just something to consider moving forward?
However, I think they will be stronger if you become less general in your statements and back up claims with specific evidence. Especially claims which run counter to the mainstream narrative of Canadian history.
Thanks for the feedback, Sue. It’s tough, because there is a lot of work to do here. Some of it is getting the big sweep of things. We will also have to do some theory work as well to actually explain what “elite theory” is or how the structure of the bureaucracy itself affects things, a particular interest of mine. Marshal McLuhan, a Canadian philosopher, talks about how “the medium is the message.” If we think about government as a “medium,” what is the message of the Canadian governmental system? So, yes, I am sure we will bore into more specific historical figures examples as time goes on. We may bring guests on to help with that as well. I am glad you are excited about the pod.
This is a fantastic question, Sue, and one we will spend time on in the future. Both Black Horse and I have thoughts on this, but they are bigger than can be laid out in a comment, probably more than can be done in a single episode.
Come to my neighborhood. Liberal signs a plenty. In fact, I’m literally surrounded by them on all sides. Doesn’t help that the wanna be Liberal MPP lives directly across from me. Sigh!
Yes, very painful. Needless to say, I don’t speak to many of my neighbours. To be honest, wouldn’t be much different if it was the PC MPP candidate; I’m not a liberal of either stripe. In fact, I loathe liberalism in the extreme.
God love you, but a podcast consists of one or more audio files (video also possible, but now never used) published *by RSS*. Nothing else is a “podcast,” least of all YouTube videos rebranded as Substack videos. You’d like us to sit fixedly at our computers watching to avatars talk to each other at 100% speed?
Go and listen in your preferred format.
It’s available on Spotify…
Can someone explain why regular Canadians don't want to join the U.S.? The quality of life of Canadians would improve if they joined. Who wants to be COVID tax slaves in a brain-drained country?
Why would farmers vote PC if they want to expropriate their land?
Arguably, Canada has always been an extractive project. But In recent decades, your average Canadian has taken on a reckless greed to the point of strangling the hope and vitality out of the generations after them. The rot is settled deep. Vampirism normalized.
As time goes on, I am less and less confident that the bleeding can be staunched through electoral means.
But to your question, anything that would in the short term compromise housing prices and the TSX will not receive popular approval.
Canadian identity is largely defined by opposition the U.S. There are some problems with this, but it has certainly helped us resist pressure from the south. As a result, many Canadian's perceive America as backwards and support the opposite of whatever America does.
There used to be more to Canadian identity... More than paying the CRA... More than the strip malls.... So your question does have merit. Why should we defend a weak nation with no identity? Why should I make sacrifices for the whole, when the system exists only to be parasitized and extracted from... When the spoils of the country are carved up and redistributed to rival networks of rapists, degenerates, and special interest groups.
I prefer the American constitution and think that economically, we would be better off as Americans. But if we stopped handicapping ourselves, we could become a powerful nation in our own right. If we carve away the rot and put aside the gross mismanagement, we could be a great nation.
Many of us remember Canada as it once was. To get it back will require radical action.
Looking forward to the next episode. There is good feedback in previous comments that I would echo, and add, that further discussion of the Laur-elites would be good, especially if they can be discussed with more references to specific people tied to examples of who benefits most directly from the patronage of the Laur-elites.
I wonder if it would be good to pick one concept from elite theory, briefly introduce it & where it originates, and then illustrate it with examples from Federal and Provincial politics (using a variety of provinces to furnish examples)? Two birds etc.....
That’s a good idea. Thanks!
It was a good start, good background information.
How structured are you guys doing these?
Like is it wise to try to (because there is so much info) try to do it more of a segment type podcast like how Lotus Eaters.
Do like two segments present the info for a deeper dive?
Lots to figure out going forward. Glad you enjoyed it!
Looking forward to more. Will the main topic of this pod be further discussed in the next episode?
Yes, we need to get deeper than we did.
Nice work guys; interesting takes… 1 note of caution… Black Horse, you have to let other people finish there points (in full) and not talking over &or constantly interrupting people you are in conversation with! Tame your enthusiasm will make the presentation of the pod more enjoyable & informative… just something to consider moving forward?
Also, these 2 podcasts have been good.
However, I think they will be stronger if you become less general in your statements and back up claims with specific evidence. Especially claims which run counter to the mainstream narrative of Canadian history.
Hope to see this grow.
Thanks for the feedback, Sue. It’s tough, because there is a lot of work to do here. Some of it is getting the big sweep of things. We will also have to do some theory work as well to actually explain what “elite theory” is or how the structure of the bureaucracy itself affects things, a particular interest of mine. Marshal McLuhan, a Canadian philosopher, talks about how “the medium is the message.” If we think about government as a “medium,” what is the message of the Canadian governmental system? So, yes, I am sure we will bore into more specific historical figures examples as time goes on. We may bring guests on to help with that as well. I am glad you are excited about the pod.
Yes, I look forward to seeing where this goes. Similar projects pertaining to Canada are few and far between. Thank you for your reply.
Yeah, we thought so too. So rather than keeping on trying to find the podcast we are looking for, why not create it ourselves? And here we are.
I want to know how Canadian's can organize and bring about a real nation. The status quo is untenable.
This is a fantastic question, Sue, and one we will spend time on in the future. Both Black Horse and I have thoughts on this, but they are bigger than can be laid out in a comment, probably more than can be done in a single episode.
Come to my neighborhood. Liberal signs a plenty. In fact, I’m literally surrounded by them on all sides. Doesn’t help that the wanna be Liberal MPP lives directly across from me. Sigh!
That's the cost of living in an english part of the province. :grin:
Yes, very painful. Needless to say, I don’t speak to many of my neighbours. To be honest, wouldn’t be much different if it was the PC MPP candidate; I’m not a liberal of either stripe. In fact, I loathe liberalism in the extreme.